How to setup a SocialSEND masternode on a VPS running Ubuntu 14.04?
This guide only covers one method of setting up your SEND masternode, there are plenty of other approaches out there! Furthermore i take no responsibility for any issues you run into nor can i ensure that this guide will work at any times in the future. LOCAL PREPARATION Step 1=========== Open the SEND wallet and click on the "Receive" tab. Label a new receiving address. Call it what ever you want, e.g. "Masternode1". Click on "Request payment" and then "Copy address". Step 2=========== Switch to the "Send" tab of your wallet and send exactly 6250 SEND to the address we've just created. Step 3=========== Inside your wallet got to "Tools" > "Debug console" and type: createmasternodekey hit enter. Safe the output to a local textfile. Step 4=========== Inside your wallet click on "Settings" >...